Which sounds more enjoyable - going on a journey with close friends or going solo? There are probably many who would defend both sides of that question. For me, however, I'd much rather set off on an adventure with someone to share in my quest. I believe it enhances the fun, the observations I make along the way and the depth to which that journey takes me and endures in my memories. Together, the challenges don't seem quite as fierce or insurmountable and the mountaintops take on even more color and brilliance because the joy is compounded.

In a similar way, my walk with God deepens when I share what I'm learning with others and in return, hear what God is revealing to them. It reminds me I'm not alone - both in the celebration of God's amazing attributes and in the doubt and worry that plague humanity.

I want this to be a sacred place where I can share what God is teaching me and hear from others who want nothing more than to know God personally. So, I welcome you to this site. Read. Comment. Question. Teach. For in doing this journey of faith in Jesus Christ together, I believe we gain the opportunity to know Him more fully and leave a little bit more conformed to His Image.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Three O’s

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.” ~ Isaiah 40:28

We can see three important and distinct attributes about God in this one verse.

• God is Omnipresent – present in all places at all times. Isaiah tells us in this verse that God is everlasting (no beginning and no end).
• God is Omnipotent – unlimited authority or influence. Isaiah reveals that God is the Creator of the ends of the earth and never grows tired or weary.
• God is Omniscient – all-knowing; having infinite awareness, understanding and insight. Isaiah points out that no one can grasp God’s understanding. He has complete knowledge.

Which of these three attributes of God do you need to claim in your life today?

• Are you worried and confused about the future? Or perhaps you’re trying to make sense of something that happened in your past? God was with you then, is with you now, and promises never to leave you in the future. He is Omnipresent – present in all places at all times. You were not, are not and never will be alone.
• What in your life feels like it’s spinning out of control, is too much to handle, or needs a miracle? Claim God’s Omnipotence! He is all-powerful and fully able to heal, restore, correct, guide, settle or fix anything in your life.
• In what situation do you need wisdom and understanding? Seek your God who is Omniscient. He has complete knowledge. If He knows the number of hairs on your head (Luke 12:7) and every sparrow that falls to the ground (Matthew 10:29), surely He will grant you wisdom if you ask for it with a heart full of faith (James 1:5-8)!