Which sounds more enjoyable - going on a journey with close friends or going solo? There are probably many who would defend both sides of that question. For me, however, I'd much rather set off on an adventure with someone to share in my quest. I believe it enhances the fun, the observations I make along the way and the depth to which that journey takes me and endures in my memories. Together, the challenges don't seem quite as fierce or insurmountable and the mountaintops take on even more color and brilliance because the joy is compounded.

In a similar way, my walk with God deepens when I share what I'm learning with others and in return, hear what God is revealing to them. It reminds me I'm not alone - both in the celebration of God's amazing attributes and in the doubt and worry that plague humanity.

I want this to be a sacred place where I can share what God is teaching me and hear from others who want nothing more than to know God personally. So, I welcome you to this site. Read. Comment. Question. Teach. For in doing this journey of faith in Jesus Christ together, I believe we gain the opportunity to know Him more fully and leave a little bit more conformed to His Image.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Heart Check

“See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” - Psalm 139:24

After reading this I realized that what’s offensive to God may not be offensive to me because I’m good at tolerating sin. Therefore, I need His eyes, His perspective, and His direction out of these blind spots and pit falls. Make no mistake about it, He leads and we follow! We cannot fix ourselves or try harder or read one more book about overcoming this or that to correct heart issues. It is His cleansing Word, healing touch, and guiding eye that we are to be fixated on. End result – not always happiness, but most definitely holiness.

• What offensive ways are you tolerating in your life?
• Are you seeking the ways of the world or the ways of the Word to overcome these obstacles?
• How do your lifestyle and prayer life reveal that you’re pursuing either happiness or holiness?

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