Which sounds more enjoyable - going on a journey with close friends or going solo? There are probably many who would defend both sides of that question. For me, however, I'd much rather set off on an adventure with someone to share in my quest. I believe it enhances the fun, the observations I make along the way and the depth to which that journey takes me and endures in my memories. Together, the challenges don't seem quite as fierce or insurmountable and the mountaintops take on even more color and brilliance because the joy is compounded.

In a similar way, my walk with God deepens when I share what I'm learning with others and in return, hear what God is revealing to them. It reminds me I'm not alone - both in the celebration of God's amazing attributes and in the doubt and worry that plague humanity.

I want this to be a sacred place where I can share what God is teaching me and hear from others who want nothing more than to know God personally. So, I welcome you to this site. Read. Comment. Question. Teach. For in doing this journey of faith in Jesus Christ together, I believe we gain the opportunity to know Him more fully and leave a little bit more conformed to His Image.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Light on My Feet

“…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1

It struck me as interesting that the writer of Hebrews chose “throw off” here to instruct us about what to do with the sin that entangles us. He didn’t say to reason our way through it, to ignore it and hope it will go away, and he didn’t even say to go see a counselor about it. He told us to throw it off – get rid of it, banish it, drive it out, cast it off. Why? Because he knew how susceptible we are to being caught up in it. The writer is honest with the reality of his sinful nature and reminds us that we are easily entangled in sin. Think about the poor moth that gets tangled up in a spider’s web. He barely brushes against it and the web clings onto his frail body. Then, as he desperately wrestles to get free, he is ultimately bound deeper and tighter into the web. We are like that moth and when we get caught up in our sinful habits – be it overeating, pornography, gossip, selfishness, pride, unforgiveness, doubt, etc - we are prevented from running the race of our Christian life with both perseverance and in a manner that represents our Lord well to those watching us.

So, what is it that you need to “throw off” and what does that look like? Are you like me - guilty of reasoning away, ignoring or talking to everyone else but God about your sin? Two days ago, I actually threw out a box of cookies I had left over from a party because they were too tempting for me. You may find that ridiculous because that’s not your struggle, but to me, that was “throwing off” what easily entangles me. We MUST get serious about this Christian race we’re running and what it takes to run well. I don’t know about you, but this is one race in which I want to be light on my feet!


Dawn Wilson said...

"Throwing off" with you, Jamie! It's those "entangling" things that always trip me up, and I need to be proactive.
Thanks for an insightful post.

Jen said...

I've totally done that! Thrown food out that might be too tempting. Whatever helps is worth it! I'm so glad I checked came here today - I was hoping there was a new post. I LOVE your blog! :)