Which sounds more enjoyable - going on a journey with close friends or going solo? There are probably many who would defend both sides of that question. For me, however, I'd much rather set off on an adventure with someone to share in my quest. I believe it enhances the fun, the observations I make along the way and the depth to which that journey takes me and endures in my memories. Together, the challenges don't seem quite as fierce or insurmountable and the mountaintops take on even more color and brilliance because the joy is compounded.

In a similar way, my walk with God deepens when I share what I'm learning with others and in return, hear what God is revealing to them. It reminds me I'm not alone - both in the celebration of God's amazing attributes and in the doubt and worry that plague humanity.

I want this to be a sacred place where I can share what God is teaching me and hear from others who want nothing more than to know God personally. So, I welcome you to this site. Read. Comment. Question. Teach. For in doing this journey of faith in Jesus Christ together, I believe we gain the opportunity to know Him more fully and leave a little bit more conformed to His Image.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Good Shepherd

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:11

What are some characteristics of a good shepherd? A good shepherd…
• Protects his sheep
• Knows his sheep by name
• Provides for his sheep
• Rescues his lost sheep
• Leads his sheep
• Is willing to fight for his sheep
• And as we learn from this verse, a good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep

Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd. As our Good Shepherd, He is all of these characteristics and more – and not just in theory! He has already fulfilled the greatest vow of being a Shepherd when He willingly and lovingly laid down His life to rescue us from death and eternal separation from Him. And He continues each day to protect us – that’s a powerful Shepherd. He knows you and me by name – that’s an intimate Shepherd. He provides for our daily needs – that’s a resourceful Shepherd. He leads and guides us – that’s a wise Shepherd. He is willing to fight for us – that’s a loving Shepherd.

When have you recently stopped to thank Him for being your Good Shepherd? How have you seen Him take care of you in each of these areas? Praise God that He understands we’re weak and fragile sheep, helpless without Him. Thank Him that He loved us enough to lay down His life for us and that He continues to fight for us and provide for us daily. Now that’s a Good Shepherd!

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